Who dis?

Hello! I’m Annabel; part researcher, product designer and children’s author. Each week in my work I like to collect artifacts. Things that made me think, giggle and learn. This newsletter is a way for me to share these artifacts with other people.

Who reads Big Kid Letter?

Not to be put in a box, you dear reader, are a curious critter. The Big Kid community is a delightful mix of psychologists, designers, science communicators, UX researchers, creative technologists, startup founders (you poor tired reader) and people with kids (you poor, poor tired reader).

Why subscribe?

When you subscribe, my little delivery faeries know when to deliver your special letter (monthly) and what to call you (by your name)

Join the team

This letter is about reaching and connecting with people who share the same interests or want to learn about other interests! By joining this newsletter that community grows and grows and soon we’ll take over the world (kindly).

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Big Kids

A newsletter for adults who are still sorta kinda kids and love science facts, tech news, design and fantasy fiction.


Research, product designer and children's author interested in all things science, tech and fantasy fiction!